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Lost in Bangkok

Monday, January 26, 2009

Lost in Bangkok

Just as I expected, leaving was really hard. It was almost impossible, as they almost denied me from the flight because there were some problems with my flight documents. The flight to Berlin went really fast, but from Berlin to Bangkok it took forever. I couldn't sleep because my thoughts wouldn't leave me alone. 

At first I was pretty lost in Bangkok. I had no idea where to go or what to do and my backpack was killing me in the heat. I took the first cheap guest house I could find, Budget Guest House on Khao 'Chaos' San Road, about 6 euros a night. Not booking a hotel beforehand didn't seem like a good idea anymore. There I was, wandering around randomly, when I noticed this local fellow who was laughing at me and he offered to show me some better tourist attractions than the one I was just photographing... We went to see the big golden Buddha in a temple. It's the Chinese New Year today so there were a lot of people praying in front of the Buddha. After that he offered to show me other cool places, but I started to become suspicious as he took me to some shady alleys so I lied I'm so tired that I have to head back to the guest house.

Later I checked if there really was something to see in that direction and yes, there would have been... So perhaps I was just being paranoid. In Berlin I met this bloke Justin who eagerly insisted on carrying my bags but I wouldn't let him because I thought he was going to steal them :D I'm starting to think that I'm being too careful when people are just trying to be nice and helpful :)

On my way to the guest house I ran into this Chinese New Year ceremony. Huge elephants and everything :) Now I'm going to join the New Year celebration and reward myself with an ice cold beer (yes, I've started to drink beer cause it's cheap).

Pics coming up soon!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lähettäisin sähköpostia Cisionin tammikuun blogilistaukseen liittyen mutta en löytänyt yhteystietoja blogistasi. Ota yhteyttä niin kerron lisää.

Cisionista yrityksenä sekä palveluistamme ja tuotteistamme lisää kotisivuillamme:

Yst. terv.
Heini Malmi

January 23, 2012 at 9:42 PM  

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